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All sunshine and no snow !

Warm climate and no zero weather !

Flowers growing in the yards, and not costly poinsettias from the florist !

Summer clothes, and nobody wearing fur coats and ear muffs !

Santa Claus rides in an air ship, and no sleight-bells !

Doors and windows open, and no furnaces to keep fired at white heat !

Christmas fruits gathered fresh from the trees, and no cold storage eggs !

Sidewalks are safe for pedestrians; no slipping and falling on the ice !

Automobile starters are working; no frozen radiators !

Wheels keep in the road; no non-skid chains are necessary !

Ocean bathing is a pleasure; no hot water faucets to fuss with !

Christmas shopping was done at leisure; no mob scenes enacted !

No ” blizzards ” as an excuse to have to miss church !

But – It’s the Christmas holiday spirit that resigns just the same !

May it be Merry Yuletide for all StoreRight Self Storage and friends !



  • Author unknown, Published in Vero Press, Dec. 25th 1924

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