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History of Halloween Traditions



Halloween traditions can be traced back to the pre-Christian ancient Celtic festival of the dead. This is also known as the festival of Samhain, when nature appears to be dying down.

The Celtics were ancient Indo-European people and they reached their peak of Celtic influence and territorial expansion during the 4th century BC and it extended across the length of Europe from Britain to Asia.


The Celtics used a solar/lunar ritual calendar. They divided the calendar year into four major sections. These sections were called quarter days. They divided the quarter days in half, creating four cross-quarter days. Together, these made an eight-part year that reflected the natural procession of the seasons.

Halloween, October 31st is the first month of the Celtic year and is named Samonios, ‘Seed Fall’: in other words, from death and darkness springs life and light.

The Celtic calendar is presumably dates back from the 1st century BCE. It is made up of bronze fragments and was once a single huge plate. It is inscribed with Latin characters, but written in Gaulish, which is an ancient Celtic language that was spoken in parts of Europe as late as the Roman period.

During the 3rd and 4th century BC, the Celtic history began to decline and disintegrate with Julius Caesar’s conquest of Gaul. When this happened, the Celtic independence came to an end on the European continent. In Britain and Ireland this decline moved more slowly, but traditional culture was gradually eroded through the pressures of political subjugation. Despite the erosion of the Celtic culture, many of the holidays we celebrate today can be traced back to the Celtic calendar and traditions.

Florida is the 3rd Populous State & there is a Great Need for Storage

According to the United State Census Bureau, Florida surpassed New York’s population in 2014 making it the 3rd most populated state. Between July 1st, 2013 and July 1st, 2014 Florida averaged 803 new residents each day.

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You may be asking why so many people are moving to Florida? Besides the obvious sunny days and warmer weather, the majority of people who drop off Penske trucks at our location, come from up north and out west and they say it’s because of the lower taxes, lower cost of living, relaxed lifestyle and to have a better quality of life.

The number of people who are moving to Florida are also finding that the need to rent a storage unit is a necessity. There are a few reasons for this. Florida homes do not have basements which most people did have in the other state they lived in. Also, in our StoreRight Vero Beach location, we have many condo and gated communities. Most communities have limited amount of space for people to store extra cars, boats and other belongings.

If you should find yourself in need of a storage unit, we offer both short term and long term solutions. StoreRight Self Storage in Vero Beach can meet just about any of your needs. We are in a prime location and offer secured access with surveillance cameras, pest control and well maintained buildings and grounds. We would be more than happy for you to stop by so we can show you around.

June is National Safety Month

June is National Safety Month and it is designed to help us focus on reducing the leading causes of injuries and death at the work place, on the roadways and in our homes and communities.

June 2015, the National Safety Council (NSC) is celebrating your passions with the theme of “What I Live For.” The NSC has resources for you such as posters, tip sheets, safety checklists and an infographic.

The National Safety website provides a list of tips to protect you and others at home or work against accidental falls.

The website also includes specific tips for aging adults.  Click Here to visit the NCS website.

Birth Flowers of April


The Daisy and Sweet Pea are the Birth Flowers for the Month of April…


1. The English daisy is native to western, central and northern Europe. It is also widely naturalized in most temperate regions including North America, South America and Australia. They have been in human culture for over 5000 years.

This small daisy emerges in spring and lifts spirits because it reminds us that the earth is renewing itself again from the winter blues. It symbolizes innocence, loyalty, love, gentleness and rebirth since the Middle Ages.

The daisy is commonly placed on graves of our newly departed and larger wreaths of daisies are commonly given for the funerals of our departed.

Different cultures have many different folklore’s regarding the English daisy.

The French made a famous poem/game as love prediction with “He loves me! He loves me not!” Each petal symbolizes “he loves me” or “he loves me not”. Petals are individually pulled by a young maiden alternating from one to the other in order to discover if the object of her affection loves her. If the last petal pulled is a “he loves me” than it is believed that the boy loves her. Alternatively, if the last petal pulled is “he loves me not” then he does not love her.

The English girl believes that if she uproots a handful of grass with her eyes closed, that the number of daisies grasped, will tell her how long it will be until she is married.

The Catholic Culture believes that because the English daisy symbolizes innocence, it is “Mary’s Flower of God”. Some may say the English daisy could also be Her flower of God because of the symbol of rebirth as Her Son was reborn.

According to an old piece of German folklore, if the daisies were picked between noon and one o’clock before drying, it would bring success to any venture

An old Celtic folklore dictates that the spirits of still born children were reborn as daisies.

Pagan folklore says that the English daisy is the fairies flower and alternatively, they also provide protection against fairies.

The English daisy also is believed to offer protection against hysteria because of the packed petals. It is believed that you may be able to create calmness by hanging pictures in your home.

The English daisy thrives best in plant hardiness zones 4 through 8

2. The Gerbera daisy was discovered in South Africa in 1884, by Richard Jameson, a Scotsman. However, it is believed that they are more than 4,000 years old. The daisy was referred to as “Day’s Eye” in English history. This was in reference to the way the flower opened and closed with the sun. The primitive medicine men believed that the daisy was a cure for eye troubles because of the way the daisy followed the sun’s pattern. King Henry V111 ate daisies to cure his stomach ulcers. The Gerbera daisy was also crushed and doused in wine for over 15 days and believed to cure insanity. The Assyrians used daisies to turn grey hair dark again by mixing it with oil.

The Gerbera daisy thrives best in plant hardiness zones 9 through 11.

3. The Oxeye daisy is a native of Europe and was introduced to North America both intentionally, as an ornamental and incidentally as a contaminant of imported hay and grain seeds.

It spread rapidly and readily from agricultural lands. Oxeye daisy is currently found in every state of the U.S. It is most common in the Northeast and the Great Plains. It is less common in the South. In the late 1800’s the Oxeye daisy appeared in the northwestern United States and had spread to more than half the counties in the region by 1937. It is the most prevalent roadside weed in the Pacific Northwest. The Oxeye daisy is listed as a noxious weed in Colorado, Washington, Wyoming and Montana.

The Oxeye Daisy thrives best in plant hardiness zones 3 through 8,

4 . The Painted daisy is a Persian Insect Flower, Pyrethrum.  Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Handling the plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction.

The Pyrethrum has been used for centuries as an insecticide and as a lice remedy known as Persian powder or Persian pellitory  in the Middle East.. It was sold worldwide under the brand Zacherlin by Austrian industrialist J. Zacher.  It is one of the most commonly used allowed non-synthetic insecticides in certified organic agriculture.

The Painted Daisy thrives best in plant hardiness zones 4 through 9

5. The Shasta daisyis a cross of the oxeye daisy and three other wild daisies. . It’s a hybrid produced in 1890 by American horticulturist Luther Burbank. Luther Burbank had a fondness for the wild oxeye daisies that grew under the elm tree in front of his family home. He was a young plant breeder who was inspired to develop the Shasta daisy by cross-pollinating it with the English field daisy, which had larger flowers than the oxeye, then dusted them with pollen from the Portuguese field daisy and their seedlings were bred selectively for six years.

These hybrids bloomed nicely, but Burbank wasn’t satisfied because he wanted a whiter, brighter flower. He took the most promising of these triple hybrids and pollinated them with the Japanese field daisy, a species with small, pure-white flowers. Once he perfected the flower, he named it after the beautiful and glistening Mt. Shasta in Northern California.  He introduced his Shasta daisy hybrids in 1901.

The Shasta daisy thrives best in plant hardiness zones 5 through 8.




About the Sweet Pea:

The Sweet Pea is an annual climbing plant that reaches around 8 feet tall.  It symbolizes blissful pleasure, delicate pleasure, good-bye, departure, adieu and thank you for a lovely time.

The Sweet Pea was developed by a Scottish nurseryman named Henry Eckford. Henry Eckford is the famous breeder of the Sweet Pea. Through cross breeding, he developed the sweet pea and turned it from a rather insignificant subject and transformed it into the floral sensation of the late Victorian era. It is also known as “the queen of annuals”.

The Sweet Pea thrives best in plant hardiness zones 5 through 9.

 Plant Hardiness Zone Map




Facts on Daylight Saving Time

Daylight savings time has been implemented in the United States since World War I. There currently is only one state in the continental US that does not use DST and that is Arizona.

The main reason the US implemented DTS was to save money and conserve on energy. It was not for the farmers benefits. That is a myth. As a matter of fact, the farmers were against the change in time because of the negative effects it had on the market crops and dairy farms.

There is very little evidence that Daylight Saving Time actually saves on energy and according to the National Bureau of Economic Research they show that there is an increase in electricity bills and a social costs because of increased pollution emission.

The National Geographic states “Changing our clocks twice a year doesn’t save us energy or money”

With all the controversy over the years regarding DTS,  there is one thing we do know for certain and that is it can have tragic effects with our health and safety.

According to the Insurance Journal , fatal crashes increase by about 6 percent over the 6 days immediately following the spring transition, but did not occur in the fall transition because there was no loss of an hour.

Reuters has an article from March 29, 2014, that showed a study that there is an increase in heart attacks of 25% the Monday following the turn back of the clocks. There are other articles in Consumer Health Day, Live Science, and so on, that have the same supporting data.

While the debate continues on DTS, we all should do our research, get the facts and understand some of the life changing effects Daylight Saving Time can have on us.

Alittle Halloween History

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31st.  The word Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows’ Evening also known as Hallowe’en of All Hallows’ Eve.  Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting haunted houses and carving   jack-0-lanterns.   The history of Halloween has evolved.  The activity is popular in the United States, the UK, Ireland and Canada.  Halloween has its origins in the Gaelic culture.  They believed that on October 31st the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the deceased would come back to life and cause havoc such as sickness or damaged crops.  Masks and costumes were worn in attempt to mimic the evil spirits or appease them.

Treat-or-treating spread from the western United States eastward, stalled by sugar rationing that began in April 1942 during the World War and did not end until June 1947.  Early national attention was given in October 1947 issues of the children’s magazines Jack and Jill and Children’s Activities, and by Halloween episodes of the network radio programs.  The custom of treat-or-treating had become firmly established in popular culture by 1952.  The UNICEF first conducted a national campaign for children to raise funds for the charity while treat-or-treating,  In Ohio, Iowa and Massachusetts the night is often referred to as Beggars Night.

No matter what activity you choose to do on Halloween have fun and be safe !



Store Facility’s Rights Regarding Search Warrents and Subpoenas

A police officer or other law enforcement official requesting that a self-storage manager provide information about a tenant at their facility or allow access to the tenant’s storage space.  Understanding the rights of the self storage facility is crucial, especially since the search can have implications to the tenant, the facility, and the law enforcement agency.  What is the manager or operator to do when asked to divulge information concerning its tenants or to provide access to a tenant’s space ?

Subpoenas are court orders which do not entitle the right to search, but  require the recipient to produce the information requested by the law enforcement agency. An example would be a tenant’s file.  Normally, a facility manager would resist providing the information to law enforcement about the tenants based upon their concern that they are infringing upon the tenant’s privacy rights.  For the most part, it is probably not a privacy violation to disclose to law enforcement the names since the information is part of the facility’s own business records.  However, for the facility’s protection it is probably best to request that the law enforcement agency first obtain a subpoena for the documents before the facility provides copies of any tenant records.

The general rule regarding search warrants  is that the search and or seizure of a tenant’s property must be conducted only with judicial approval or in other words with a search warrant issued by the court which entitles the officer to obtain access to the tenant’s space.  When an officer first requests access the manager should ask the officer to produce the warrant .  The manager should review the document to confirm that it properly identifies the storage facility, the tenant’s name and unit number.   Managers are not expected to judge the correctness of a search warrant and cannot be held liable for obeying the commands of law enforcement officials acting within the scope of their authority.

There are certain exceptions , first a facility clearly can allow access to law enforcement to the area in their self storage facility deemed to be common areas or into storage units which are not rented. Second if the units lock has already been cut due to the tenant’s default, there is no remaining right of privacy.  In this case it appears to be a right of the facility to allow access to that delinquent unit without the need of a search warrant.  The third exception applies to tenants who are on  probation or parole.   The law provides that those individuals do not enjoy the same expectations of privacy as ordinary citizens.  It is always best to request that the officers obtain a search warrant even if the officers indicate the the tenant are on probation or are parolees.  Whether the search was a proper will be an issue to be resolved between the tenant and the law enforcement agency.


These facts were taken from an article written by Scott Zucker who specializes in business and commercial litigation.

History of Father’s Day

In June of every year , we honor fathers.  The first Mother’s Day was celebrated in 1914, but the holiday for honoring fathers did not become official until 1966 !!  In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson declared that the third Sunday in June would be Father’s Day.  President Richard Nixon made this proclamation permanent in 1972.  But  this doesn’t mean that the holiday was not celebrated before this time.

The idea for Father’s Day is attributed to Sonora Dodd, who was raised by her father, after her mother’s death during childbirth.  While listening to a sermon at church on Mother’s Day,  she thought about all her father had done for her and her siblings and decided fathers should have a day , too.    Sonora’s father was born in June and she encouraged churches in her area,  Spokane, Washington to honor fathers that month.  The first Father’s Day was celebrated in Spokane in 1910.

Over the years, the idea spread and people lobbied Congress to establish the holiday.  In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson,  who had signed a proclamation establishing Mother’s Day , approved the idea but never signed a proclamation for it.  In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge made it a national event to establish more intimate relationships between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations.

Other countries also picked up the idea of Father’s Day.  Many follow the United States and celebrate the third Sunday in June,  some decided to honor Dad on different dates.

By understanding the concept of Father’s Day , we can better celebrate and honor our Fathers !!


Happy Father’s Day to All !!

The Rising Star of Self Storage/ Article taken from US Storage News

Storage Wars may have put the self-storage industry in the spotlight, but the self-storage industry has been a rising star long before that.  In the past 15 years, the self-storage industry has exploded in growth and continues to be a niche industry with solid returns and investors.  The numbers say it all:  The US share of the global self storage market is 86%, 50,100 of 58,000 storage units worldwide.  The quantity of US storage space doubled in the last decade from 1 billion to 2.2 billion square feet.  That’s an area 3 times the size of Manhattan.  1 in 10 Americans owned a storage unit in 2011, a 65% increase in 15 years.  Total revenues from the self storage industry were approximately $22 billion in 2010.

What is the driving force behind this growth ? It is likely a combination of several cultural factors.  Unlike previous generations that typically stayed put. Americans are increasingly mobile, moving an average of 11 times during their lives.  Also as an increasing amount of people are becoming Ebay and Amazon entrepreneurs, they need extra space to store their inventory.  Another factor may be the phasing out of the attic.  Fewer homes than ever are being built with an attic, creating a need for external self storage.

Despite the economic downturn, the self storage business continues to thrive.  The real reason behind the Industry’s endurance may be deceptively simple.  According to Clemente Teng, Vice President of investor relations for Public Storage, ” People always think, I’ll just house it for a couple of months and then get it all out, but the problem is once you get all your stuff in , the last thing you want to do is spend a Saturday cleaning it out.

What To Consider When Choosing a Storage Facility

Here are some helpful hints to consider when choosing a Storage Facility.

Make sure that you visit the Storage facility.  Management should offer a complete tour and show the unit you will be renting.

If you are making a long distance move and are  unable to visit the facility these tips will help you make the right choice.

Is the perimeter completely fenced .

Does the facility have adequate security measures ?  Electronic gates with security code access along with video surveillance.

Access hours.  May sure that you can access your unit when you need to.

Does the facility offer various sizes in case  you may need to increase or downsize your space.

Is there easy access to your unit, wide driveways,  ground level units, wide doors and hallways if unit is inside a building.

Climate Control units, some items need to be stored in a damp free environment.  Such as documents, antiques and art work.

If you are in need of vehicle storage can the facility accommodate you.  Many storage facilities offer both inside and outside parking storage for your vehicle.

Is the facility  maintained, well kept and clean.

Pest control is part of the facility maintenance. You do not want any critters taking up lodging in your belongings.

Make sure you read over your lease agreement and there are no hidden clauses .

Is insurance available for your belongs.  You are responsible for the items you store.

Does the facility offer convenient payment options .

Is the management staff helpful and friendly .

Consider StoreRight Self Storage for all your storage needs.  Come visit us today and you will see why StoreRight is The Right Place.  Right Price.




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